Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Hello and welcome to my first blog. I have never seen much of a reason to do a blog but as forgetful as I am I would never remember what was done to my garden and would have to research all over again next year.
So here it goes.

I live in Westphalia, Kansas. The county that I live in is split by Hardiness Zones 5b and 6a. But if the zones aren't split into a's and b's then I am in zone 6. Unless I go to a different website that says I am in zone 5. My wife, daughter, and I live on a 6 acre piece of land in the middle of nowhere.

We have been remodeling the house for several years now. The house was originally built in 1902 and was my wife's grandparents house. The house had been sitting empty for some time before it had a very messy tenant that attracted mice and tried to burn the place down.

We have been remodeling since the summer of 2004 and have made the house more than livable. The siding is awful and the foundation causes cracks in the walls. Plus, it can be a little drafty sometimes. But we can only fix so much at once. We don't have a home improvement project planned for this summer because we are not sure whether we should fix or replace the foundation and add on or build a new house nearby. Until we decide I don't want to spend too much money on the place. If we rebuilt the old structure would stay and be rented out or used in some other way. The house has a lot of sentimental value with the family which is why we moved in in the first place.

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